How to link To wtc911.US website...
URL: = http://wtc911.US
(Title 1 = 5 Words, 49 Characters)
(Title 2 = 8 Words, 68 Characters)
(Description 1 = 13 Words, 75 Characters)
(Description 2 = 14 Words, 64 Characters)
(Description 3 = 26 Words, 154 Characters)
(Description 4 = 35 Words, 191 Characters)
And below are some Banners to use if you prefer: http://www.wtc911.US/pix/banners/small_square_wtc911_banner.jpg
"What a great and powerful tribute Alex has created with his WTC 911 video AND the music that he not only wrote but performed....A MUST SEE BY ALL ! Please take the time to forward to all your family, friends and co-workers." "Alex, thank you for the creation of this moving and beautiful rememberance. It is a timely piece. I hope that anyone viewing this music video will be touched as deeply as I was. " Karen Rockland-Weare "This is a powerful music video. There is so much to view, this video needs to be played several times. The music and images combine in such a dramatic way to tell a story that we must never forget. Thank you for the tribute. " Michelle LeMarbre "This video brings back memories and emotions that I have burried over the past 5 years. Maybe it's time to let them go...and start the healing process....." Florence Huntoon "Thank you for this WTC 9/11 tribute. I feel that we were all victims that day. Beautiful transition of footage with the street sounds and music. Nicely done. I found your website to be very informative. The symbol at the top of your home page and at the end of your music video speaks volumes. This video is non political and doesn't place blame. A true tribute!." Frank Namaste